Exotic Clinic Referral | Coastway Vets
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    Exotic Clinic

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A wealth of professional expertise

Based at our headquarters in Kemp Town, Brighton, our Exotic Clinic is headed by Céline Le Rochais. Céline graduated as a Doctor in Veterinary Medicine in Belgium in 2008 and worked as a veterinary surgeon in various zoos in Europe, Africa and North America. She completed her MSc in Wild Animal Health in 2011 at London Zoo and the RVC after which she undertook an exotic medicine internship at Montreal University, working alongside some of the best North American exotics specialists.

Although experienced with wild and zoological animals, Céline’s expertise and passion is for domesticated exotic pets.

First Class Facilities

In addition to Celine’s expertise, referred cases benefits from:

  • Newly built, dedicated warm wards with the latest equipment required for the care and treatment of exotics species
  • 30 minute exotic consultations with diagnostic reports
  • Surgery for exotic species, including dental, coeliotomy, bird orthopaedics
  • A range of bird healthcare consultations including 45-minute feather plucking appointments, nail, wing and beak trimming is also available.

As well as providing an exotic consultation, surgical and hospitalisation service, Céline is also happy to offer advice and help on a collaborative basis for referring vets.

Contact Us

To refer a pet please complete the form here >

Please note: referrals should ONLY be used by Veterinary Professionals and not by clients wishing to make an appointment. If you are a pet owner, either contact your vet for a referral or telephone 01273 692257.

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