Ophthalmology Pet Clinic | Coastway Vets
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    Ophthalmology Clinic

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Preserving and maintaining ocular health

Vision is an essential sense that provides information about the world we live in and allows us to negotiate our environment safely. Vision is just as important to our pets and should be preserved whenever possible.

The development of sophisticated optical and electronic instruments allow opthalmologists to perform detailed examinations of the eye, beyond what’s possible in general practice. Improvements in microsurgery and medical treatment options mean ophthalmologists are able to correct a number of conditions that can interfere with vision and/or may be painful to the pet.

If a pet is having problems with its vision and a condition is diagnosed that isn’t easily treated in the surgery, it’s best for an experienced ophthalmologist to examine the animal. Early involvement of an ophthalmologist allows detection of potential vision threatening, or painful conditions while intervention is still possible.

The referral service at Kemp Town includes a full range of diagnostic tools including slitlamp biomicrosopy, indirect as well as direct ophthalmoscopy, tonometry, gonioscopy, streak retinoscopy and facilities for microsurgery.

Kim can only see cases by referral, which can be arranged by speaking to either your Coastway vet, or one at your own practice.

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Our ophthalmologist

Our Ophthalmology Clinic is held at our Kemp Town surgery and is headed by Kim Jorgensen DVM CertVOphthal MRCVS.

Kim qualified from the Copenhagen University of Agriculture and Veterinary medicine. After moving to the UK in 1992 he worked a number of years at the PDSA where he started taking an interest in eye cases. He gained the RCVS Certificate in Veterinary ophthalmology in 1998 and has been running an ophthalmology referral service since then. He has a special interest in vision and it’s implications for pet animal welfare and is particularly interested in corneal surgery as well as reconstructive eyelid surgery. He currently has a visually impaired cat as well as a young boisterous lurcher.

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Contact Us

To make a referral or for an accurate CT scan cost for a pet in your care, complete our online referral form and our team will respond as quickly as possible.

Please note: referrals should ONLY be used by Veterinary Professionals and not by clients wishing to make an appointment. If you are a pet owner, either contact your vet for a referral or telephone 01273 692257.